DOT wants to ease toll restrictions to fund maintenance

May 2, 2014
The Obama administration is attempting to ease restrictions on new tolls as part of its latest transportation funding bill.

The White House and US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx have been focusing on other proposals in their public push for support, however the tolling changes are noted in a lengthy summary of all provisions (PDF).

The bill “would eliminate the prohibition on tolling existing free Interstate highways, subject to the approval of the Secretary, for purposes of reconstruction, this providing States greater flexibility to use tolling as a revenue source for needed reconstruction activities on all components of their highway systems.”

Thousands of miles of the Interstate Highway System are already used for toll collection, grandfathered into the system, however states are prohibited from installing new tolls on existing sections of toll-free Interstates.

States that want to fund maintenance or upgrades through tolls on Interstates are currently forced to receive approval from Congress. The latest funding bill would essentially shift the decision-making authority to the Department of Transportation, however the criteria for approval of additional tolls has yet to be described by Foxx or the agency.

Aside from revenue generation, the eased restrictions are also promoted as a way for states or public agency to implement variable tolls on existing highways, bridges or tunnels “for purposes of congestion management.” Such changes would also be subject to approval from the Secretary of Transportation.

Specific provisions included in the bill may be killed or reworked as it makes its way through Congress.

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