Toyota offers its fuel-cell patent portfolio to rivals, for free

January 6, 2015

Following Tesla Motors’ lead, Toyota has announced plans to share its full portfolio of patents related to hydrogen fuel-cell technology.

Speaking to media at the Consumer Electronics Show, Toyota senior vice president Bob Carter suggested the royalty-free program — involving approximately 5,680 patents — will help accelerate the industry toward a “hydrogen future.”

Most of the patents or pending submissions are focused on software that manages the fuel-cell system, while nearly 2,000 describe fuel-cell stack hardware. Several hundred additional patents are related to hydrogen tanks and delivery or refueling technology.

Critics of hydrogen fuel-cell technology focus on the lack of refueling infrastructure and relatively high costs for fuel-cell powertrains as factors that could prevent the technology from serving as a viable alternative to battery-powered electric vehicles. Carter argues that sharing patents will help inspire other automakers to join the game, quickly reducing powertrain costs and incentivizing hydrogen-station buildout.

“The first generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, launched between 2015 and 2020, will be critical, requiring a concerted effort and unconventional collaboration between automakers, government regulators, academia and energy providers,” the executive said. “By eliminating traditional corporate boundaries, we can speed the development of new technologies and move into the future of mobility more quickly, effectively and economically.”

Tesla Motors last year made a similar move, promising to share its full range of technology patents and inviting competitors to use its network of Supercharger stations.

Toyota made clear its intention to share its full range of patents only through the industry’s first years, likely through 2020. Tesla did not publicly disclose similar limits, though the California-based startup did not explicitly promise to indefinitely extend its patent-sharing program.

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