Bugatti schedules test events to help push $85M in unsold Veyrons

February 14, 2014
Bugatti has reportedly scheduled several test-drive events to help push 40 unsold Veyron convertibles, worth a total of approximately $85 million.

Rather than forcing potential buyers to make a purchase decision after driving the 1,200-horsepower Grand Sport Vitesse convertible around the block on public roads near a showroom, the regional events will enable the supercars to be pushed harder on closed airport runways.

“The Dynamic Drive Experience is attracting individuals who haven’t been exposed to our brand before, other than possibly reading about it,” said Bugatti sales director John Hill, as quoted by Bloomberg. “We bring the car to a location near them.”

The Vitesse stakes claim to the fastest production roadster ever built, shooting from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.5 seconds and topping out at 255 mph. Even in the limited “normal” driving mode, the electronic limiter does not intervene until the needle hits 233 mph.

Bugatti already sold out of the basic Veyron 16.4 coupes in 2011, however nearly a third of the newer special-edition convertibles have yet to find homes. Potential suitors face a 1.69 million euro (~$2.3 million USD) price tag for the Vitesse.

Not everyone can show up at the airport to burn through a set of $40,000 tires, as the events will likely be limited to less than 25 individuals known to have the means to pick one up.

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