Germany to upgrade Autobahn for autonomous vehicles

January 28, 2015
German officials have announced a plan to upgrade a stretch of the Autobahn to support autonomous vehicles.
The government will outfit part of the highway with equipment to enable vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. The sensors and wireless gear will work in conjunction with vehicle-to-vehicle communications capabilities of prototype and production models.

“The goal is to network the road and the vehicles to reduce traffic jams and increase road safety,” said transportation ministry spokesman Ingo Strater, according to quotes published by Bloomberg.

The government aims to support domestic development of next-generation autonomous technology by BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen Group, among other automakers.

The pilot project will be focused on segment of the A9 autobahn connecting Munich and Berlin, though the government has not yet detailed a time-frame for completing the upgrades.

Image by Ronan Glon.

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