The new messaging is said to be an extension of the Game Changers campaign, aiming to create an emotional connection to the brand. Individual advertisements will highlight different aspects of the driving experience, correlating each with focal features of Mazda vehicles.
“Through the Driving Matters campaign, consumers will get a glimpse at why driving matters so much to Mazda and why we obsess over every detail in designing our cars,” said MNA marketing VP Russell Wager. “Whether it’s for safety purposes or for maintaining our ‘fun to drive’ nature, it all comes down to the fact that driving matters to our customers and it matters to us.”
The first segment, titled “A Driver’s Life,” will show a driver’s significant life stages related to driving and vehicle ownership, such as getting a license, buying a first car, raising a family and finally receiving a ‘reward’ car.
The company suggests that its existing “Zoom Zoom” tagline will continue to serve in marketing material, though it will presumably take a back seat to the new Driving Matters slogan.
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