• Ellenator: Cleverer Allgäuer macht normale Kleinwagen fit für die Führerscheinklasse A1 mit Preis

    August 4, 2015

    Der Ellenator, hier ein Exemplar auf Basis des Seat Ibiza SC, darf mit Führerscheinklasse A1 gefahren werden

    An seiner Funktionalität büßt der Kleinwagen nichts ein

    Die zwei Räder stehen (von Radmitte zu Radmitte) 46 Zentimeter auseinander. Damit gelten sie als ein Rad

    Dösingen, 4. August 2015
    Jugendliche auf dem Land kennen das Problem: Um Schule, Ausbildungstelle oder Disco zu erreichen, können sie Bus fahren, (manchmal) das Mama-Taxi nutzen oder auf ein Zweirad umsteigen. Letzteres ist aber im Winter nicht besonders spaßig und sogar gefährlich. Jetzt kommt eine Lösung aus dem Allgäu, mit der man ganz legal ab 16 Jahren im ausgewachsenen Kleinwagen unterwegs sein kann.

    Ibiza, Fabia oder Polo werden zum Ellenator

    Bedingung ist die Führerscheinklasse A1. Die erlaubt, ab 16 Jahren ein Leichtkraftrad mit bis zu 125 Kubikzentimeter und maximal 15 PS fahren zu dürfen. Ebenfalls gestattet sind aber auch dreirädrige Kraftfahrzeuge mit mehr als 50 Kubikzentimeter und mehr als 45 km/h Spitze. Diese Regelung macht sich Wenzel Ellenrieder, Betreiber des gleichnamigen Autohauses im Allgäu, clever zunutze: Er baut normale Kleinwagen wie Seat Ibiza, Skoda Fabia oder VW Polo zum “Ellenator” um. Der darf dann mit der genannten Klasse A1 oder den Klassen 1b, 3 und B – sofern vor dem 19. Januar 2013 erworben – gefahren werden.

    Zwei Räder gelten als eines

    Der Umbau ist trickreich: Um zum Ellenator transformiert zu werden, bekommen zwei- bis vierjährige Gebrauchtwagen eine neu konstruierte Hinterachse verpasst. An ihr sind zwei 14-Zoll-Räder mit 165er-Reifen montiert. Da die Spurbreite, gemessen von Reifenmitte zu Reifenmitte, weniger als 465 Millimeter beträgt, wird der Ellenator offiziell als Dreirad eingestuft. Die beiden Räder gelten nämlich so als ein Rad. An der Vorderachse werden standardmäßig ebenfalls 14-Zöller montiert, es lassen sich aber auch 17-Zöller bestellen.

    20 PS und 90 km/h Spitze

    Da die Leistung maximal 20 PS betragen darf, wird die Power der 1,0- oder 1,2-Liter-Ottomotoren elektronisch gedrosselt. Die Kraft wird per Fünfgang-Handschaltung auf die Vorderräder übertragen. Als maximales Drehmoment schaffen die abgeschnürten Motoren 60 Newtonmeter bei 3.275 Touren herbei, der Verbrauch soll bei 5,5 Liter auf 100 Kilometer liegen. Und: Der Ellenator wird immerhin landstraßentaugliche 90 km/h schnell.

    Umbau ab 5.500 Euro

    An der Ausstattung des Grundmodells wird nichts verändert. Das heißt, dass nicht nur Komfortfeatures wie die Klimaanlage weiterhin an Bord sind, sondern auch das komplette Sicherheitsprogramm inklusive ABS, ESP und Airbags. Je nach Modell, Ausstattung, Motorisierung, Laufleistung und Baujahr des Basismodells gibt es den Ellenator im Autohaus Ellenrieder ab 10.490 Euro. Im Preis sind fünf Jahre Garantie auf den Umbau sowie gegen Durchrostung enthalten. Wer schon ein Auto mitbringt, kann den Wagen inklusive TÜV-Abnahme für etwa 5.500 Euro innerhalb von drei Tagen verwandeln lassen.

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  • Mitsubishi Pajero Sport: Neuauflage des rustikalen Offroaders mit neuem Diesel und neuer Automatik

    August 4, 2015

    Mitsubishi Pajero Sport: Die dritte Generation wurde jetzt in Thailand vorgestellt

    Unter dem markanten Blechkleid steckt die Technik des ebenfalls neuen Pick-ups L200

    Das große SUV baut auf einen Leiterrahmen auf, hinten gibts eine Starrachse

    Tokio, 3. August 2015
    Mitsubishi hat den Pajero Sport neu aufgelegt und den Großen jetzt in Thailand vorstellt. Der Pajero Sport basiert auf dem ebenfalls neuen Pick-up L200 und kommt daher gleichermaßen mit Leiterrahmen und starrer Hinterachse. Das gibt die Richtung vor: Der Neuling ist vordergründig ein robustes Allzweckauto und weniger ein sportliches Lifestyle-SUV. Nicht zu verwechseln ist der Pajero Sport trotz des ähnlichen Namens übrigens mit dem Pajero, den es als Drei- und Fünftürer momentan auch in Deutschland zu kaufen gibt.

    Wird so auch der neue Pajero aussehen?

    Die dritte Auflage des Pajero Sport kommt in einem gefälligen modernen Outfit und hebt sich optisch deutlich vom Plattformspender L200 ab. Das Frontdesign hatte bereits das Concept Car GC-PHEV vorweggenommen: Es war erstmals auf der Tokio Motorshow 2013 zu sehen, die letzte Ausbaustufe wurde Anfang 2015 zur Chicago Auto Show gezeigt. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass auch der neue Pajero, der 2017 erscheinen soll, dieses Gesicht übernimmt.

    Diesel und Achtstufen-Automatik

    Das markante SUV wird von einem neu entwickelten 2,4-Liter-Dieselaggregat angetrieben. Die Maschine dürfte wie im L200 181 PS leisten. Der Pajero Sport ist der erste Mitsubishi, in dem eine ebenfalls neu entwickelte Achtstufen-Automatik eingesetzt wird. Das Getriebe soll im Vergleich zum Vorgänger einen um 17 Prozent geringeren Verbrauch ermöglichen, der CO2-Ausstoß auf 100 Kilometer soll unter 200 Gramm liegen. Bei der Sicherheit und bei den Assistenten hat der Hersteller mächtig nachgerüstet: Es gibt sieben Airbags, einen Kollisionswarner, ein Notbremssystem, einen Totwinkel-Warner und ein 360-Grad-Kamera-System.

    Geländeuntersetzung und Bergabfahrhilfe

    Zum guten Vorankommen im Gelände wird der Pajero Sport wie auch der L200 mit dem neuen Super-Select-4WD-II-Allrad bestückt. Neben der Möglichkeit eines reinen Heckantriebs bietet das System auch eine Geländeuntersetzung. Zudem ist nun zusätzlich eine elektronische Bergabfahrhilfe an Bord.

    In 90 Ländern weltweit

    Der Pajero Sport soll ab Herbst 2015 in Thailand verkauft werden und danach weltweit in weiteren rund 90 Ländern starten. Wie uns ein Mitsubishi-Sprecher auf Nachfrage mitteilte, ist eine offizielle Einfuhr nach Europa derzeit nicht geplant. Schon der Vorgänger des neuen Pajero Sport war in Deutschland nicht zu haben, die erste Generation wurde zwischen 1998 und 2008 auch bei uns verkauft.

    Gegner ebenfalls neu

    Der schärfste Gegner des Pajero Sport in Thailand und anderen Märkten wie Australien ist der Toyota Fortuner auf Basis des Toyota Pick-ups Hilux. Auch dieser Siebensitzer tritt im Herbst 2015 neu an. Er wird von einem 2,8-Liter-Turbodiesel mit 177 PS angetrieben und ist ebenfalls mit einem Allradantrieb ausgestattet.

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  • Mazda CX-3: Hersteller bietet Tuning-Teile als Zubehör an mit Preisen

    August 4, 2015

    Schick in Schwarz-Rot: Mazda bietet Anbauteile für den CX-3 an

    Neben Schwelleraufsätzen gibt es auch Anbauteile für die Schürzen vorn und hinten

    Ebenso sind 18-Zoll-Räder, ein Heckspoiler und Folienbeklebungen im Angebot

    Leverkusen, 3. August 2015
    Wer seinen Mazda CX-3 ein bisschen aufhübschen möchte, muss sich nicht unbedingt einen externen Tuner suchen: Der Hersteller bietet nun auch selbst entsprechendes Zubehör an. Das wäre unter anderem ein schickes Make-up in Schwarz-Rot: Zum neuen Kleid gehören eine zweifarbige Frontschürze ebenso wie schwarz-rot lackierte Seitenschwelleraufsätze und eine entsprechende Heckschürze.

    Dachspoiler und Unterfahrschutz

    Ein schwarzer Dachheckspoiler kann ebenso bestellt werden wie ein silberfarbener Unterfahrschutz oder 18-Zöller mit markanten V-förmigen Speichen. Zudem sind individuelle Foliendesigns im Programm. Und um die praktischen Seiten des CX-3 zu verbessern, ist nun auch ein Lastenträger für Dachboxen oder ähnliche Transportsysteme orderbar.

    Teile beim Mazda-Händler

    Die Anbauteile gibts beim Mazda-Händler, beispielsweise die Frontschürze kostet 381 Euro, die Schwelleraufsätze sind für 446 Euro zu haben und die Heckschürze wird für 464 Euro angeboten – hinzu kommen noch Montagekosten und Einbaumaterial.

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  • Audi, BMW and Daimler agree to buy Nokia’s HERE

    August 3, 2015
    Audi, BMW and Daimler have come to terms to purchase Nokia’s HERE mapping business. Once the deal closes, each automaker will hold an equal stake in HERE.

    More than just a navigation service, Audi, BMW and Daimler are hoping to use HERE’s cloud-based mapping data as the basis for future autonomous vehicles. Like Google, Nokia’s HERE has mapping data for nearly 200 countries that is said to be accurate to within 10-20 centimeters.

    “High-precision digital maps are a crucial component of the mobility of the future. With the joint acquisition of HERE, we want to secure the independence of this central service for all vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and customers in other industries,” stated Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG.

    While autonomous driving is the end goal, the acquisition of HERE will also benefit vehicles from the trio in the short term. Audi, BMW and Daimler plan to use HERE to track real time driving conditions, which would allow a vehicle to issue other warnings to surrounding motorist. For example, if a vehicle reported an ABS activation due to icy conditions, it could notify other vehicles in the vicinity.

    The cost of the deal was not announced, but previous rumors had it pegged at $2.7 billion. Pending approval, the deal should be completed by the first quarter of 2016.

  • Spied: 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

    August 3, 2015

    Our spy photographers have spotted Chevrolet’s next-generation Camaro ZL1 undergoing shakedown testing for the first time.

    Although at first blush this particular prototype doesn’t look radically different from the run-of-the-mill Camaro, there are a few key details that set this vehicle apart as a high-performance offshoot. Up front you’ll notice a much more pronounced chin spoiler with larger cooling ducts. The hood of this ZL1 prototype also appears to have a hood-mounted heat extractor similar to the one seen on the Corvette and Cadillac CTS-V.

    Around back it’s evident that a larger spoiler is hiding beneath the test car’s heavy camouflage. Larger wheels and tires and wide side sills are further giveaway to this prototype’s true identity.

    Power for the upcoming Camaro ZL1 is expected to be provided by the same basic supercharged 6.2L LT4 V8 used in the Corvette Z06 and Cadillac CTS-V. However, thanks to the new Camaro’s lighter Alpha platform, power might not grow much beyond the 580 horsepower offered by the outgoing ZL1.

    The 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 will likely make its world debut at the 2016 Detroit auto show before arriving in dealers during the summer of 2016.

  • McLaren planning all-new supercar for 2018

    August 3, 2015

    McLaren is planning to replace its current 650S model with an all-new supercar by 2018, a new report finds.

    McLaren is hellbent on keeping its model lineup fresh, and the introduction of an all-new model in about three year’s time will adhere to that plan. The new model, internally known as the P14, will replace the 650S, which itself replaced the 12C in 2014.

    According to Autocar, the P14 will retain McLaren’s carbon fiber tub and 3.8L twin-turbocharged V8, but the two-door will be given a radical design language that will set the mold for all future McLaren vehicles. Frank Stephenson, McLaren’s design director, described the P14′s styling as “even crazier” than that of the P1 supercar.

    The P14 will initially launch as a coupe, but a Spider with a folding hardtop will be offered about a year later. That deviates from McLaren’s typical launch cadence, which usually sees the Spider introduced alongside the coupe.

    Total output should grow slightly from today’s 650 horsepower in the 650S to about 660 horsepower in the P14. The P14 will be capable of accelerating from 0-60 in under 3 seconds and hitting a top speed in excess of 205mph. The P14 will directly target the Ferrari 488 GTB.

    When it finally lands in 2018, look for the P14 to carry a prices take slightly higher than that of the $265,500 650S.

  • First drive: 2016 Cadillac CTS-V [Review]

    August 3, 2015

    As good as the Cadillac CTS-V has been since its introduction in 2004, it’s always been a square peg in a round hole. Straddling the line between the BMW M3 and M5, the CTS-V has never really had a market segment to call its own.

    But with the launch of the ATS-V, which now goes head-to-head with the M3, the CTS-V has finally found its lot in life as a direct rival to the M5. With its purpose now clearly defined, we packed our bags for Elkhart Lake’s famed Road America racetrack to see if the 2016 CTS-V really has the chops to take on BMW’s flagship performance sedan.

    The heart of the beast
    When talking about any performance vehicle, it’s always a good idea to start with its most important component — the engine. In the case of the CTS-V, that heart is the same basic supercharged 6.2L LT4 V8 that you’ll find beating beneath the hood of the latest Chevrolet Corvette Z06. An encouraging starting point for sure.

    But the higher-ups at General Motors didn’t want a four-door Cadillac upstaging the company’s flagship performance coupe, so the CTS-V’s power ratings stand at 640 horsepower and 630 lb-ft of torque, down 10 and 20, respectively, from the Z06. Still, those figures more than wallop the M5′s 560 horsepower and the 577 horsepower offered by the Mercedes-Benz AMG E63 S.

    All of those ponies are funneled to the CTS-V’s rear wheels via GM’s in-house designed eight-speed automatic transmission. Though not a dual-clutch setup, Cadillac says the unit can swap gears in as little as 150 milliseconds. The gearbox is also about 27 pound lighter than the unit it replaces in the old CTS-V, despite having two more cogs.

    Drivers can either leave the eight speed in Drive or take control via the steering wheel mounted paddle shifters, which are crafted out of genuine magnesium. There are also several drive modes to choose from, including Sport and Track settings. With the Track mode engaged, there are several more sub-settings available that alter the car’s traction and stability control systems. If you’re feeling really gutsy, you can even turn all of the electronic nannies to off.

    Supporting cast
    Of course it takes more than just an exciting drivetrain to make a great performance vehicle. With that in mind, Cadillac engineers set to fine tuning the CTS’s already solid platform.

    The CTS-V sports several unique body braces, including a large structural piece under the front section of the car and a strut tower brace under the hood. Engineers also beefed up the CTS-V’s firewall, which was actually so successful that Cadillac is now applying those changes to the regular CTS for the 2016 model year.

    The end result of that extra bracing is a chassis that is 25 percent stiffer than the one you’ll find beneath the regular CTS. But perhaps more importantly, most of those components are made out of lightweight aluminum, which means this CTS-V is actually about 100 pounds lighter than the car it replaces.

    To that solid foundation Cadillac bolted its latest Magnetic Ride Control suspension system, which includes a MacPherson setup up front and a five-link kit in the rear.

    In order to counter the 6.2L bombshell under hood, Cadillac partnered with Brembo to design a front braking system specifically for the CTS-V. Consisting of a two-piece design, the CTS-V’s front discs measure 390mm, which Cadillac says is the largest ever fitted to a production sedan. Clamping power is provided by six-piston calipers up front and a four-pot setup at the rear.

    On the aero front the CTS-V employs a front spoiler, cooling ducts for the brakes, a hood-mounted air extractor and a rear diffuser. You can further enhance the CTS-V’s aero package by selecting the optional carbon fiber package, which adds a more aggressive front air dam and larger rear spoiler, among other details. Even if you don’t spring for the carbon fiber package, you still get a carbon fiber hood as standard.

    And there are countless other minor details that go into making the CTS into a V. For example, the CTS-V’s fuel tank has special baffles that allow it to corner at max g’s with just an eighth of a tank onboard. If you were to try the same thing with the CTS’s standard tank, the cornering prowess of the V would leave the engine starving for fuel at just half a tank. Even the CTS-V’s grille-mounted Cadillac badge has been shrunken to improve airflow to the engine.

    Sum of the parts
    So the CTS-V looks good on paper, but how does it stand up in real life? Simply put, brilliantly. Road America’s four miles of turns and elevation changes will reveal the weaknesses in just about any car, but we couldn’t find nary a fault with the CTS-V.

    The CTS-V storms out of the gates with the kind of aplomb you’d expect from a 640-horsepower vehicle. Max torque doesn’t come on until a relatively high 3,600 rpm, but the CTS-V still has plenty of grunt off the line. In fact, Cadillac says you can expect the run from 0-60 to whoosh by in 3.7 seconds, eclipsing the M5 by a significant 0.5 seconds. Top speed for the CTS-V is an eye-watering 200 mph; We managed to push the sedan to speeds in excess of 150 mph on Road America’s front straight.

    The CTS-V is slightly nose heavy, with a 52.7/47.3 front/rear wight distribution, but that seems to work in the sedan’s favor. That marginally heavier front end helps to push the front tires into the ground, which results in good turn in. Cadillac specifically dialed in a bit of understeer into the CTS-V’s chassis, which largely prevents the rear end from swinging around unexpectedly. You can still slide around the rear end, but you don’t have to worry about snap oversteer. Part of that is also down to the CTS-V’s trick electronic rear differential.

    Of course you also have the safety net of the CTS-V’s varying drive modes. Once in Track mode you can select from five different settings, with 1 keeping all system on full alert while 5 locks up the nannies and leaves you to your on devices. We found setting 4 to be the sweet spot, allowing just the right amount of wheel spin without the threat of spinning out of control.

    Overall the CTS-V is a very well balanced vehicle that feels extremely planted to the ground. The CTS-V weighs just over 4,100 pounds, but it never felt big and ponderous or out of its element on the track. This is certainly not one of those Cadillacs of yore that likes to roll around corners.

    Like most modern vehicles steering in the CTS-V is somewhat isolated from the road thanks to electronic boosting, but the tiller has a good on-center feel and is quick and direct. Steering weight can be adjusted via the onboard computer, with the Track setting offering the heaviest steering.

    Cadillac officials harped on the CTS-V’s brakes during their presentation of the car, and we can see why. Although they aren’t carbon ceramic, the CTS-V’s big Brembos offer massive stopping power with virtually no fade. Best of all they come standard, whereas BMW will charge you about nine-grand for a set of track ready brakes on its M5.

    The CTS-V’s eight-speed auto does a good job of holding gears and down shifting when required, but we didn’t find it quite as fast-shifting as advertised. Don’t get us wrong, this is no slush box, but the eight-speed auto in the Dodge Charger Hellcat, which is supplied by ZF, just seems to bang the gears a little better.

    And off the track?
    Typically when a car is as capable on-track as the CTS-V is, it’s rubbish on public roads. Thankfully, the CTS-V retains plenty of Cadillac’s DNA.

    Thanks in large to its Magnetic Ride Control, the CTS-V is capable of cruising comfortably over the imperfect roads of the real world. In fact, if it weren’t for the audible supercharger wine (and the roar from the exhaust when the butterfly valves open at engine speeds over 3,500 rpm) you might mistake the CTS-V for a run-of-the-mill Cadillac sedan. Likewise, a lighter steering weight in Touring mode makes for an easy Sunday drive.

    Our tester was fitted with optional Recaro sports seats, which were mostly a welcomed upgrade. The stylish thrones offer several bolster adjustments and are actually far more comfortable than their sport designation would suggest. However, you lose the seat ventilation function when you select that option box, so buyers more concerned with a sweaty posterior than staying put during a track day might want to stick with the standard buckets.

    Likewise, we’re also lukewarm on the CTS-V’s optional carbon fiber package. While the package’s larger rear spoiler does provide more downforce, you’ll only really see that benefit on the occasional track day; You’ll have to live with the boy racer look of the carbon fiber package everyday. Needless to day, we prefer the under-the-radar look of the standard CTS-V.

    Leftlane’s bottom line
    They say the third time’s a charm, and that certainly seems to be the case with the third-generation Cadillac CTS-V. Encompassing a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde spirit, the CTS-V can go from dignified cruiser to a track-capable monster with a mere flick of its console-mounted toggle switch. The M5 has long been king of the hill in this segment, but the 2016 CTS-V may have just stolen the crown.

    2016 Cadillac CTS-V base price, $84,990.

    Photos by Drew Johnson.

  • Bentley teases Bentayga going off-road [Video]

    August 3, 2015
    Bentley has released a new teaser video featuring its upcoming Bentayga SUV tackling an off-road course in Northern Spain.

    Following a recent round of cold weather testing, Bentley engineers are now focusing their energy of honing the Bentayga’s off-road skills. The video shows the Bentayga climbing through a remote mountain forest.

    Apparently keen to replicate the winning formula of the Land Rover Range Rover, the Bentayga will have plenty of capability to go along with its luxurious interior. We doubt many owners will ever take their Bentayga off-road, but the SUV will certainly be up to the task if ever asked.

    Motivation for the Bentayga is expected to be provided by a turbocharged W12, although more efficient V8 and hybrid drivetrains will be offered down the line. The Bentayga should land in Bentley showrooms sometime next year with an asking price of around $200,000.

  • Lotus crossover will have 3-Eleven styling, be Macan-sized

    August 2, 2015

    Details regarding the upcoming Lotus crossover have begun to emerge, and the latest come from company CEO Jean-Marc Gales himself.

    Speaking to Car Magazine, Gales noted that Lotus’s first crossover will take styling cues from the ultra-lightweight 3-Eleven recently unveiled at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. The two will apparently share a family resemblance in the front, while “hints” of the 1974 Lotus Elite and other heritage models will round out the rest. Gales described the look as “stunning.”

    Size-wise, the yet unnamed crossover will match the Porsche Macan, but will have a lower and wider stance. Capitalizing on Lotus’s trademark lightness, it is also expected to weigh an astounding 440 to 660 pounds less than the Macan.

    Engine choices will include four-cylinder options in base trim, while performance versions will offer a V6. A hybrid version is reportedly probable as well.

    Production will be taken care of by Chinese auto manufacturer Goldstar, who will assemble the Lotus SUV for its home market. It will be sold only in China initially, but Gales promised that “if the car is a runaway success, we will export it.”

    Live Images by Ben Hsu.

  • 600hp Nissan Juke-R 2.0 headed to production

    August 2, 2015

    Nissan will put its outrageous Juke-R 2.0 concept into production, says a report coming out of Italy.

    Unveiled at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, the subcompact crossover powered by the 600hp heart of Mecha-Godzilla has been green-lit for production, says Omni Auto. Stretched over the shortened chassis and drivetrain of a Nissan GT-R NISMO, the hand-built Bullet Bills will see just examples hit the streets, though the final count will depend on how many actual customers are insane enough to order one.

    The last Juke-R, version 1.0 released in 2012, rang in at a price of approximately 500,000 euros (US $550,000). Now, with drive components from the GT-R NISMO — which costs $50,000 above the sticker of a “regular” GT-R — hiding beneath its bullfrog skin, the 2.0 will likely surpass the $600,000 mark.

    Produced exclusively by NISMO, each Juke-R 2.0 will take a donor GT-R NISMO drivetrain and pull a heavily modified Juke body and interior over it. Heavily flared fenders and a menacing aero kit are used to compensate for the 600hp and 481 lb-ft of torque that lies beneath. Like its predecessor, you can order it any color you want, as long as it’s matte black.

    Live Images by Ben Hsu.