• ADAC: Skier, Helme und Koffer richtig sichern

    December 14, 2013

    Horrorszenario: Ungesichertes Gepäck und Skier treffen beim Aufprall mit voller Wucht auch die Passagiere

    Auch Skihelme können sich in Geschosse verwandeln, die mit der Wucht einer Tonne Gewicht auftreffen

    Die Verletzungsgefahr für die Insassen ist erheblich

    München, 12. Dezember 2013
    Das Szenario ist gespenstisch: Skier bohren sich in Rückenlehnen, Skistiefel treffen Köpfe, Insassen werden schwer verletzt. In einem Crashtest zeigt der Automobilclub ADAC die verheerenden Folgen, wenn Gepäck auf der Fahrt in den Winterurlaub nicht richtig gesichert wird. Was viele nicht wissen: Ein ungesicherter Gegenstand, der eigentlich nur 20 Kilogramm wiegt, trifft dann bei einem Crash bei Tempo 50 mit einer Wucht von bis zu einer Tonne auf.

    Gefährlich: Gepäck lose im Stauraum
    Im ersten Versuch wurde die Rückbank umgeklappt und Skier, Helme, Skistiefel sowie Koffer lose in den Stauraum gelegt. Die verheerenden Folgen: Nach dem Aufprall mit 50 km/h schleudert das gesamte Gepäck nach vorne und trifft Fahrer und Beifahrer. Der Innenraum wird völlig demoliert. Die Sitze können nicht standhalten, im Bereich der Lendenwirbel wird das dünne Schaumstoff-Polster durch die Skier so stark deformiert, dass es im Ernstfall zu schweren Wirbelsäulenverletzungen kommt.

    Skistiefel im Fußraum verstauen
    Beim zweiten Crash werden Koffer und Skier festgezurrt, die Skistiefel hinter dem Vordersitz im Fußraum verstaut. Beim Aufprall bleibt das Gepäck dort, wo es hingehört. Zwar ist die Lehne der Rücksitzbank mit den schweren Koffern bereits an der Belastungsgrenze angekommen, aber Gefahr für die Insassen besteht nicht.

    Zurrösen nutzen
    Der Automobilclub rät, für Urlaubsfahrten Autos mit Zurrösen zu nutzen und das Gepäck daran zu befestigen, das gilt auch für den Skihelm. Beim Anbringen der Gurtbänder sollte auf eine gleichmäßige Spannung geachtet werden. Die Rücksitzlehnen sollten, wenn möglich, nicht umgeklappt werden, da sie als schützende Trennwand dienen können. Neben der Gefahr für Leben und Gesundheit gibt es weitere Aspekte für die richtige Unterbringung des Gepäcks: Ungesicherte Ladung wird mit bis zu drei Punkten in Flensburg und bis zu 50 Euro Strafe geahndet, so der ADAC. Außerdem könnte es nach einem Unfall Probleme mit der Versicherung geben.

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  • BMW M3 und M4: Neue Doppel-Spitze mit Sechszylinder

    December 14, 2013

    Bayern-Bolzen: BMW bringt das neue M4 Coupé an den Start

    Charakteristisch sind die vier Endrohre am Heck

    Der neu gestaltete vordere Stoßfänger versorgt Bremsen und Motor mit Luft

    München, 12. Dezember 2013
    Seien wir mal ehrlich: BMW M1 oder M5 sind nette Autos, aber den Kern der M-Legende macht der M3 aus. Parallel zur 3er- und 4er-Reihe wird der M3 in Zukunft ebenfalls aufgeteilt und bekommt einen M4 zur Seite gestellt. Gleichzeitig kehrt BMW bei dem Power-Doppel zum Sechszylinder zurück.

    Mehr Luft
    Schon bei den Abmessungen gibt es eine Überraschung: Die M3 Limousine und das M4 Coupé sind mit 4,67 Meter gleich lang, auch der Radstand von 2,81 Meter stimmt überein. Zur optischen Unterscheidung von den Normalausgaben bekommen die M-Brüder große Lufteinlässe an der Front und einen Diffusor am Heck. Ein weiteres Detail sind die aerodynamisch optimierten Außenspiegel im Doppelfuß-Design. Anders als beim bisherigen M3 bekommt nun auch die Limousine ein CFK-Dach. Ausstattungsbereinigt soll das Gewicht rund 80 Kilogramm unter dem Vorgängermodell liegen. Der M4 wiegt leer 1.497 Kilogramm nach DIN-Norm, die M3 Limousine 1.520 Kilogramm.

    Sechs ist schöner
    Wichtigster Punkt der neuen M3/M4-Reihe ist ohne Frage der Motor. BMW kehrt nach dem Vierliter-Achtzylinder mit 420 PS zu einem Dreiliter-Sechszylinder zurück. Mit von der Partie sind bei dem 2.979 Kubikzentimeter großen Direkteinspritzer zwei Turbolader, eine variable Ventilsteuerung und eine stufenlose Nockenwellenverstellung. Die Höchstleistung beträgt 431 PS, der Motor kann bis 7.600 Touren drehen. Für das maximale Drehmoment von 550 Newtonmeter ist das aber nicht nötig, es liegt zwischen 1.800 und 5.500 Umdrehungen an. Von null auf 100 km/h geht es für den M3 und den M4 in 4,3 Sekunden, bei 250 km/h ist wie gehabt Schluss. Fast zumindestens, wer nämlich das optionale “M Drivers Package” wählt, darf sein Auto auf 280 km/h prügeln. Dann dürfte jedoch der Normverbrauch von 8,3 Liter in weite Ferne rücken.

    Die Kraftübertragung erfolgt serienmäßig per Sechsgang-Schaltgetriebe. Es soll zwölf Kilogramm leichter als bisher sein. Eine Trockensumpfschmierung versorgt alle Teile mit Öl und soll M3/M4 für den harten Renneinsatz fit machen. Als Besonderheit löst das Getriebe beim Zurückschalten eine Zwischengasfunktion aus. Wer lieben schalten lässt, kann zum Siebengang-M-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe greifen. Neben einem manuellen Modus ist hier eine Launch Control integriert, sie verbessert den Sprint von null auf 100 km/h auf 4,1 Sekunden. Eher skurril wirkt die “Smokey Burnout”-Funktion. Laut BMW können damit bei rollendem Fahrzeug die Hinterräder bis zu einem gewissen Grad durchdrehen. Sinnvoller ist da schon die “Stability Clutch Control”, welche beim Übersteuern die Kupplung öffnet, um das Fahrzeug zu stabilisieren.

    Liebe zum Detail
    Im M3 und M4 sind viele technische Kniffe verbaut, deren Umfang zu schildern den Rahmen sprengen würde. Deshalb nur ein Beispiel: Die gewichtsoptimierte Magnesium-Ölwanne verfügt über eine zusätzliche Abdeckung, um die Bewegung des Öls bei starker Querdynamik einzuschränken. Bei extremer Beschleunigung oder Verzögerung sorgen eine zusätzliche Absaugpumpe und ein Rücklaufsystem im Bereich des Turboladers für einen stabilen Ölkreislauf.

    Alles aktiv
    Was haben M3 und M4 noch zu bieten? Serienmäßig sind 18-Zoll-Schmiederäder mit 255er- und 275er-Bereifung, optional gibt es 19-Zöller. Serie ist auch die elektromechanische Lenkung, deren Ansprechverhalten der Fahrer per Knopfdruck anpassen kann. Auf Wunsch wird Letzteres um ein adaptives Fahrwerk ergänzt. Ebenfalls optional lieferbar ist eine Carbon-Keramik-Bremsanlage. Stets inklusive ist hingegen das “aktive M-Differenzial” mitsamt einer elektronisch geregelten Lamellensperre. Ihr Steuergerät ist mit dem DSC genannten ESP verbunden und berücksichtigt die Gaspedalstellung, die Raddrehzahlen und die Gierrate des Fahrzeugs.

    Was das in der Praxis bedeutet, erläutert BMW-Werksfahrer Bruno Spengler: “Wenn der Fahrer am Kurveneingang vom Gas geht, macht die Sperre auf. Die Sperrwirkung geht also bis auf null Prozent herunter und das Auto lenkt sehr agil ein. Beim Herausbeschleunigen aus der Kurve macht die Sperre zu, die Sperrwirkung wird für eine optimale Traktion stufenlos auf bis zu 100 Prozent erhöht.” Um den passenden Sound kümmert sich eine doppelflutige Abgasanlage mit elektrisch gesteuerten Klappen. Je nach gewählten Fahrmodus ist ein spezielles Klang-Setup vorkonfiguriert. Im Juni 2014 sollen M3 und M4 auf den Markt kommen, erstmals vorgestellt wird das kräftige Doppel Mitte Januar auf der Automesse in Detroit. Die Preise beginnen bei 71.500 Euro für die M3 Limousine, das M4 Coupé kostet 72.200 Euro.

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  • Lamborghini Gallardo successor to be named Huracan?

    December 13, 2013

    The Lamborghini Gallardo’s lifespan is coming to an end, and its successor has yet to be endowed with an official name. It now seems that the baby Lambo’s 2014 replacement will be called the Huracán.

    The name was first circulated in April of this year, when Lamborghini filed for the trademark to the Huracán name. It was speculated that it may be used to christen a new SUV based on the Urus concept and that Gallardo’s heir would be called the Cabrera, but according to Auto Express Huracán will be applied to the new exotic instead.

    Some have said that the new moniker would end Lamborghini’s era of naming sports cars after Spanish fighting bulls, dating back to the 1966 Miura. However, fans of the bull badge will be pleased to know that the tradition will prevail. A web search reveals Huracán was indeed the name of a toro, tributes to whom abound on YouTube, in addition to being the Mayan god of storm, wind and fire, later absorbed into Spanish to mean “hurricane.”

    Whatever it’s called, the new V10-powered supercar is rumored to have at least 600 hp and make extensive use of lightweight composites. A video released yesterday showed that it will take design cues from the Aventador flagship. The production version is expected to be revealed later this month.

  • Porsche Macan to get V6 diesel as base engine in U.S.

    December 13, 2013

    Porsche has revealed its plans for the U.S.-market base model of its new Macan compact luxury crossover.

    Instead of the gasoline and diesel four-cylinder models that will be available in other countries, American buyers will be offered the Macan S Diesel, which utilizes a turbodiesel V6. Essentially the same 3.0-liter unit used in a variety of Volkswagen Group models like the Audi Q5 and Porsche’s own Cayenne diesel, the mill is expected to produce 240 horsepower and 428 lb-ft of torque from just 1,750 rpm.

    Fuel economy should be a strong point for the Macan S Diesel, with mileage likely to be rated at 24/31 city/highway mpg – or better.

    As with its gas-fed siblings, the twin-turbo 3.0-liter V6-powered Macan S and Macan Turbo, the Macan S Diesel will be fitted with a seven-speed dual-clutch automatic and all-wheel-drive.

    The oil-burner will be the cheapest member of the Macan family, with a starting price that’s expected to be below the Macan S’ $51,095 MSRP.

    Why won’t the four-cylinder Macans make it to these shores? Porsche is silent on the subject, but a Car and Driver report speculates that the move is intended to limit sales cannibalization of the Audi Q5, which is most popular in four pot form.

  • Ford facing 2015 F-150 delays due to aluminum suppliers?

    December 13, 2013

    Ford may be facing serious issues with what might be its most important launch of the foreseeable future. A shortage of the aluminum alloy required for the body panels of the F-150 could be causing critical delays in the truck’s production.

    Two months it was reported that the 2015 F-150 would take the unprecedented step of using aluminum in its body panels to cut weight by 750 pounds. What seemed like a forward-thinking step may now be coming back to bite Ford in the tailgate.

    If what The Truth About Cars has learned proves accurate, Alcoa and other suppliers have not been able to provide aluminum of the proper elasticity quotient needed for stamping. The delays are currently estimated at 6 to 10 weeks at Ford’s truck plant in Dearborn, Michigan.

    As Ford’s (and America’s) best selling vehicle buy a wide margin, the F-150 is the company’s most important model and biggest moneymaker. Understandably, Ford is putting pressure on Alcoa and its other suppliers to quickly furnish the proper materials. TTAC goes on to say that the internal F-150 launch date was supposed to be Memorial Day, but that is already out of reach.

    It’s already been reported that Ford will build old and new F-150 models concurrently in order to maintain supply. The Kansas City plant is apparently rolling out current-gen trucks, using thinner-gauge steel on models without tow packages, to hold them over until the next-gen trucks are ready in late 2014.

  • Ford shows off autonomous Fusion Hybrid research vehicle

    December 13, 2013

    Ford has revealed its latest progress towards bringing self-driving cars to showrooms, which takes the form of a Fusion Hybrid outfitted with the Blue Oval’s most advanced autonomous technology.

    Co-developed with the University of Michigan and State farm, the automated sedan is equipped with a quartet of LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) infrared sensors that scan the road 2.5 million times each second. Similar to how bats and dolphins use sound waves to recognize their surroundings, the LiDAR setup bounces light off of everything within a 200 ft. radius in order to create a real-time, three-dimension map of the nearby area.

    The sensors are capable of recognizing stationary and moving objects such as vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists, and are sufficiently sensitive to tell the difference between a paper bag and a small animal from nearly a football field away, Ford says.

    “The Ford Fusion Hybrid automated vehicle represents a vital step toward our vision for the future of mobility,” Ford Executive Chairman Bill Ford said in a statement.

    “We see a future of connected cars that communicate with each other and the world around them to make driving safer, ease traffic congestion and sustain the environment. By doing this, Ford is set to have an even greater impact in our next 100 years than we did in our first 100.”

  • VIDEO: Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision GT, the Making of

    December 13, 2013

    Twenty-eight automakers designed one-off cars for Gran Turismo 6, but Mercedes-Benz has been the only one to render it in 1:1 scale. After making a splash at the LA Auto Show last week and inspiring at least one fan to vow a drivable version, the AMG Vision Gran Turismo has thusfar been the most impactful.

    In a recently released video, the automaker gives viewers a peek at the show car’s creation. With a blank slate unencumbered by safety standards or production realities, the designers molded the car they all secretly dream of when the beancounters are out of the picture. They even get to play video games as part of their “research.”

    M-B Designers say that the car embodies their design philosophy of “a sense of purity.” They even put an emphasis on rear design because that’s the view players will see most often. They also reveal that the design is shaping the brand, and are fully cognizant of the fact that players will have to be inspired to choose the Vision GT from a smorgasbord of over 1,000 virtual cars from a multitude of manufacturers. Apparently, halo cars no longer need to be production ready.

  • Revealed: 2015 BMW M4

    December 12, 2013

    BMW has lifted the veil of secrecy from its new M4, revealing that the coupe will boast far more torque, noticeably less weight and comprehensively uprgraded technology compared with the M3 Coupe that it replaces.

    The M4′s mechanically-identical sedan sibling, which retains the traditional M3 nameplate, has also been revealed.

    Like the redesigned M3, the M4 sports a muscular-looking front fascia, flared fenders and a hood bulge that signals the presence of something mean lying beneath. Air curtains mounted in the front apron team up with “Air Breathers” – that’s BMW-speak for fender vents – to optimize airflow around the wheel arches and improve aerodynamics. Around back, a diffuser with inset quad tailpipes and a lip spoiler provide both style and function. Eighteen-inch rims are fitted as standard, while 19-inchers can be specified as an option.

    The heart of the M Division’s latest creation is a twin-turbocharged 3.0-liter straight-six that churns out 425 horsepower and 406 lb-ft of torque from just 1,850 rpm all the way to 5,500 rpm. Those figures represent gains of 11 ponies and, more importantly, 111 lb-ft of twist compared to the old M3 Coupe’s 4.0-liter V8, with peak torque arriving 2,050 rpm earlier.

    While official ratings have yet to be released, BMW claims a fuel economy improvement of 25 percent; the 2013 M3 Coupe was rated at 14/20 city/highway mpg.

    Buyers will be offered the choice of new manual and dual-clutch automatic gearboxes. The standard-equipment six-speed stick features a rev-matched downshift function and helps the M4 to accelerate from zero-to-60 mph in a claimed 4.1 seconds, while the seven-speed dual-clutch – which is up a gear over the previous unit – gets launch control and a slightly quicker sprint time of 3.9 seconds. Also part of the septa-cog’s bag of tricks is a “Stability Clutch Control” function that opens one of the clutches in order to quell understeer.

    Upgraded M compound brakes on all four corners and a stiffened, track-tuned suspension will keep M4′s considerable power in check. As expected, the M3 Coupe’s hydraulic-assist steering gives way to a new, more efficient electric-assist setup with three different effort modes. An optional Adaptive M suspension with electronically-controlled dampers also offers a trio of modes, allowing drivers to prioritize ride comfort or handling agility.

    All M4s will be equipped with an Active M Differential that monitors throttle inputs, the rotational speed of the wheels and the car’s yaw rates in order to maximize traction.

    Thanks in part to the increased use of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and aluminum in the body and suspension, the M4 is an impressive 176 lbs. lighter than its predecessor. Contributing to the weight loss are components like the new six-speed manual (-26 lbs.), smaller engine (-22 lbs.) and carbon fiber roof (-13 lbs.).

    The Inside Story

    Those familiar with the standard 4-Series coupe’s interior will immediately feel at home in the M4. Model-specific cabin upgrades include a unique instrument cluster, a sporty three-spoke multifunction steering wheel, sports seats and carbon fiber trim on the dashboard and on the center console. Naturally, liberal helpings of M badging are also part of the package. A tablet-style 6.5-inch display screen mounted on top of the dashboard displays stereo and vehicle information.

    Notable options will include a head-up display, a front collision warning system, full LED headlights, and, on the performance end, lightweight and extra fade-resistant carbon ceramic brakes.

    The M4 will make its in-the-sheetmetal debut at the North American International Auto Show in January, after which it will ship out to dealership by early summer. Watch for pricing, standard features and the full options list to be released closer to that launch date.

  • 2015 BMW M3 officially unveiled

    December 12, 2013

    After an image leak early this morning tipped its hand, BMW has published a complete set of details concerning its new-generation M3 performance sedan. Significantly lighter than the outgoing model, the redesigned M3 also gains a torquier and more efficient six-cylinder motor.

    Additionally, the Blue Roundel has unveiled the 2015 M3′s sleek two-door counterpart, the M3 Coupe-replacing 2015 BMW M4.

    Less is More

    In place of its predecessor’s characterful but thirsty 4.0-liter V8, the new M3 uses a downsized 3.0-liter inline-six that relies on twin turbochargers to produce 425 horsepower and 406 lb-ft of torque from just 1,850 rpm all the way to 5,500 rpm. Those figures represent gains of 11 ponies and, more importantly, 111 lb-ft of twist compared to the old eight, with peak torque arriving 2,050 rpm earlier.

    While official ratings have yet to be released, BMW claims a fuel economy improvement of 25 percent; the 2013 M3 was rated at 14/20 city/highway mpg.

    Buyers will continue to have the choice of manual and dual-clutch automatic gearboxes, but both have been redesigned. The standard-equipment six-speed stick features a rev-matched downshift function and helps the sedan to accelerate from zero-to-60 mph in a claimed 4.1 seconds, while the seven-speed dual-clutch – which is up a gear over the previous unit – gets launch control and a slightly quicker sprint time of 3.9 seconds. Also part of the septa-cog’s bag of tricks is a “Stability Clutch Control” function that opens one of the clutches in order to quell understeer.

    Upgraded M compound brakes on all four corners and a stiffened, track-tuned suspension will keep M3′s newfound power in check. As expected, hydraulic-assist steering gives way to a new, more efficient electric-assist setup with three different effort modes. An optional Adaptive M suspension with electronically-controlled dampers also offers a trio of modes, allowing drivers to prioritize ride comfort or handling agility.

    All M3s will be equipped with an Active M Differential that keeps tabs on throttle inputs, the rotational speed of the wheels and the car’s yaw rates in order to maximize traction.

    Thanks in part to the increased use of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and aluminum in the body and suspension, the M3 is an impressive 176 lbs. lighter than before. Contributing to the weight loss are components like the new six-speed manual (-26 lbs.), smaller engine (-22 lbs.) and carbon fiber roof (-11 lbs.).

    Looking the Part

    Outside, the M3 wears a heavily-sculpted front bumper, a discreet hood bulge and flared fenders all around. Air curtains mounted in the front apron team up with “Air Breathers” – that’s BMW-speak for fender vents – to optimize airflow around the wheel arches and improve aerodynamics. Around back, a diffuser with inset quad tailpipes and a Gurney-style spoiler provide both style and function. Eighteen-inch rims are fitted as standard, while 19-inchers can be specified as an option.

    The M3′s cabin is closely modeled after the standard 3-Series, with differences including an M-specific instrument cluster, a sporty three-spoke multifunction steering wheel, sports seats and carbon fiber trim on the dashboard and on the center console. Naturally, liberal helpings of M badging are also part of the package. A tablet-style 6.5-inch display screen mounted on top of the dashboard displays stereo and vehicle information.

    Notable options will include a head-up display, a front collision warning system, full LED headlights, and, on the performance end, lightweight and extra fade-resistant carbon ceramic brakes.

    Following its formal debut next month at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the 2015 M3 will arrive at dealerships in early summer. Expect pricing, standard features and the full options list to be released closer to that launch date.

  • In wake of Ford and GM departure, Toyota may cease Australian manufacturing

    December 12, 2013

    GM’s recent announcement that it will pull out of Australia in 2017 is causing ripples in the nations’s manufacturing industry. Toyota, the sole remaining automaker to have local production in Oz, says it will face “unprecedented pressure” if it were to continue building cars there as the supplier base shrinks.

    It appears Ford’s decision to pull out by 2016 has created a domino effect, in which local suppliers of everything from wiring to paint coating will face uncertain futures. Potential interruptions in the supply chain and issues with the already rising Australian dollar may make it prohibitive for Toyota to continue operation of its Aussie factories.

    According to Automotive News, the Australian auto industry has about 150 suppliers and employs 42,000 people. In the same article, GM says it costs about US$3400 more to produce a car in Australia thanks to high labor costs and the aforementioned currency exchange rate.

    Some component manufacturers have been planning for this shift, and are looking into military or solar applications. Others have stated they would shut their doors if Toyota were to pull out. Says one supplier representative, “If automotive goes, manufacturing is finished.”

    Toyota has been building cars in Australia since 1963, and currently makes the Aurion, Camry and Camry Hybrid models both for local sales and export to 13 markets in Oceania and the Middle East.